bmc fundamentals 1 course
WITH Katherine schirrmacher
Friday 7th March | 10:00 - 17:00
Awesome Walls, Sheffield
only 10 spaces available
£FREE to BMC members
(or £50)
**Includes wall entry**
To book please send your proof of attendance (booking email or receipt) at the 2025 WCS to Katherine will then send you the link to book on. You’ll need to have a Mountain Training profile set up to book on, which is free to do via

The BMC is really excited to support the Women’s Climbing Symposium this year by subsidising and running a BMC FUNdamentals 1 course available to anyone attending this year’s WCS.
The BMC FUNdamentals 1 course enables you to learn about and teach the basic movement
principles in climbing. It will help you structure climbing sessions to include warm ups and teach movement on and off the wall for balance, awareness of centre of gravity, footwork and using handholds. On this course we develop games and other exercises to teach these topics in fun and engaging ways.
This course also forms part of the Mountain Training coaching scheme pathway. So, if you are interested in pursuing more courses to become a qualified coach or if you are wondering if you would like to start within the climbing coaching and instructing world, this is a great step. There is no assessment associated with this course.
Fundamental movement skills form part of the Youth Physical Development Model, which is a pathway for anyone to follow to reach their genetic potential in sport. We have taken this principle and applied it to climbing; what we cover on this course is the foundation for anyone, whether they become a boulderer, sport climber, trad climber, competition climber or alpinist.

Katherine Schirrmacher has been coaching and instructing climbing for 20 years and has supported
hundreds of people to reach their climbing goals. She holds the Mountain and Climbing Instructor, Rock Climbing Instructor and Development Coach Awards. Not only has she been a long-term coach education provider for the BMC FUNdamentals courses and Mountain Training coaching scheme, she has played a key role in developing these programmes and courses.
Katherine is a holistic coach meaning, considering the whole person, their technique, tactics, training and psychological approach. It’s the subtle combination of these elements where people see progress in their climbing.
Katherine has climbed extensively around the world, inside and out, and has enjoyed every aspect of the sport – never liking to miss out!!

who is this for?
This course is for anyone who attends the 2025 Women’s Climbing Symposium aged 14+.
This course is free to BMC members or if you are not a member the course is £50.
To become a BMC member visit:
If you are interested in climbing coaching or instructing and even if you have not started
teaching climbing yet, this is the course for you. Equally if you are already coaching and
want to develop your skills further, this course is an amazing opportunity.
This course is about learning, teaching and coaching. You do not need to personally be
climbing at a particular level to do this course.