Before registering, please make sure you have completed the registration details on your ticket and downloaded it. The workshop list will be matched with the final list of downloaded tickets prior to allocation.
Your ticket allows you to choose 2 workshops from a selection of 7. The form allows you to select 2 first choice and 2 reserve workshops - make sure you scroll all the way down before hitting 'submit', especially if you are viewing this on a smart phone!
Please note that each workshop has limited places in each session, and allocations will be made on a first come first served basis. Once a particular slot is full, we may need to contact you with other options.
You may choose to attend the morning workshops/afternoon talks OR afternoon workshops/morning talks OR to be flexible (you would prioritise your workshop choice over the timing). The programme is here to allow you to work out which works for you. Please note Rebecca Williams' coaching session is only scheduled for Session 1 (AM) and Session 4 (PM).
We are also asking you to let us know your approximate bouldering level so that we can try to allow coaches to tailor sessions more to your level.
Pre-registration closes at 6pm on Monday 6th November, with any further sign ups having to be made on the day. We will contact you on Tuesday 7th November to confirm your selections and timings.
Please be patient with us - the system is designed to be fairer to those who travel great distances and can't always be the first through the door to sign up on the day. Be assured that all of our workshops are top quality, and you will get expert coaching wherever you end up!