Tickets for WCS23, our flagship event on Saturday 11th November at The Climbing Hangar, Liverpool Sandhills are now on sale!
Lunch is also available as pre-order only (and it looks delicious!) so please check out the menu. You will not be able to buy this on the day, however the deli fridge will have sandwiches, pastries and cakes available.
As part of our commitment to the wider WCS community we have a few bursary places on offer for this year’s event. This year we hope these places may be augmented by support from other Symposium attendees.
These places (fully or partially funded) are primarily aimed at those who cannot afford to attend and come from underrepresented backgrounds, and for whom the event would be a game changer in their personal climbing journey.
If you would like to apply for a bursary place, please contact us outlining your circumstances and we will see what we can do. Either email us: or click the button below.
*applications ARE NOW CLOSED *