Oct 3, 2018

WCS18: top tips from London Ladies Climb

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

As it gets closer to the event, we just wanted to make sure you had plenty of options for Sunday, in case you are planning to make a weekend of it. Of course there are lots of options for walls, but you would be surprised how many outdoor options there are in and around London.

Huge thanks to local group London Ladies Climb, who have shared their top tips for visiting climbers:


A Rockworks boulder installation in Redbridge, Zone 4 gives a good day out from easy to 6A in a chilled environment with open space and toilet facilities. Just take a mat :) Guide here.


The two art installation boulders at Shoreditch Park and Mabley Green provide granite bouldering in an urban regeneration project. Problems start at around V4, with info available here.


Within an hour and a half of London, you can be in the heart of Southern Sandstone, a unique local delicacy offering top roping, soloing and bouldering. You will definitely learn a lot about the value of footwork here! Information, guides and top tips for what you need to set up a sandstone top rope here.


The mythical London building circuit does exist. We're certainly not advising or endorsing it, but it is there... Check out the EpicTV trailer.

London Ladies Climb are a friendly and psyched group who run regular socials and organised sessions around different London walls. Find them on facebook.